Rabu, 26 September 2012

development of science

Sathyendranath Bose - A Renowned Indian Scientist, Who developed a new branch of physicsSathyen Bose was not content with solving scientific problems. It was his constant
endeavor to develop scientific knowledge and the scientific attitude in the common man. For this purpose he sought the guidance of experienced elders. He did succeed in this very difficult task of taking science to the masses.

At a time when English had glamour for the majority of educated people, Bose
understood the importance of Indian
languages. He was of the opinion that if science is to be understood by the layman, it has to be taught in his mother tongue.

A science association named 'Bangiya Vijnana Parishat' was founded by him in Bengal in 1948. All its correspondence was carried on in Bengali language. Right from its inception, it has been bringing out a periodical- entitled 'Jnan o' Bijnan'. The Parishat has taken up the difficult task of propagating science among the people in their mother tongue, Bengali. For the past twenty-five years, it has been arranging several science exhibitions, lectures and essay competitions in Bengal for the spread of science. It has its own library. It has brought out some books of science in Bengali. Its Silver Jubilee was celebrated in 1974. Bose spared no pains in developing this institution.

Perkembangan IT

ini tugas yang ke-2.

tugas yang ke-2 ini di suruh menjelaskan tentang perkembangan IT saat ini seperti apa.
 IT adalah singkatan dari Teknologi Informasi, dan menurutku perkembangan IT tiap tahunakan terus bertambah dan makin canggih, bahkan di tahun-tahun kedepan mungkin IT sudah sangat sangat canggih. mungkin laptop sudah seperti tab, atau  mungkin tab bisa di gunakan di kertas biasa. contoh lainnya seperti koran, sekarang ada koran yang dari internet. kasian sekalai orang yang jual koran. bisa-bisa gak makan. hehe

Teknologi informasi yang merupakan bahan pokok dari e-learning itu sendiri berperan dalam menciptakan pelayanan yang cepat, akurat, teratur, akuntabel dan terpecaya. Dalam rangka mencapai tujuan tersebut maka ada beberapa factor yang mempengaruhi teknologi informasi yaitu:


Bingung mau nulis apa, tapi ini tugas. haduuuh.
kali ini saya akan menjelaskan tentang Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, oiya saya sekarang berkampus di sini. kampus yang katanya kampus terbesar di jatim, tapi entahlah. yang penting saya harus mencari ilmu di sini untuk kedepannya. 
nah, kenapa judulnya kok warna merah putih.?